RobotWar_with_extra_robots.dsk is a copy of the RobotWar disk already on Asimov, but includes a number of additional robots that are much better than the very basic starter bots that came with the game. The "new" robots were written by myself and a friend back in the early 80s. None of them have been tested against other "user developed" robots, so I can't vouch for how competitive any of them would have been against any of the RobotWar past champions. But I thought it would be useful for people (re)discovering this grand old game to have some more developed robots available at the outset to hopefully give their new creations some level of opposition, and also to serve as code examples. Originally, I had intended uploading the extra bots as a Data Disk, but my attempts to transfer my RobotWar Data disk from Apple ][ to PC were an adject failure, so I settled on manually typing the things into the disk image already available at Asimov. Anyway, I hope these things provide some fun for someone. Steve Evans